Your Help in Keeping the Recycling Clean is Critical

Recycling, in this challenging time, is still something that we can do. A 2019 study conducted by the Monterey Regional Waste Management District, the local landfill and material recovery center operator, identified a high rate of contamination (which includes soiled material and items that do not belong in the recycling cart). Your help in keeping the recycling clean is critical—each pound of contamination has far-reaching impacts on the economy, environment, worker health, and safety.
Please check out the new 2020 Guide to Recycling and Waste Reduction and 2020 Quick Reference Guide for information about local recycling programs.
Get the App!
Another useful tool is the “What Goes Where App”, Monterey County’s guide to help you determine how to recycle everyday materials. Plastic containers, pizza boxes, coffee cups, bags, paint – the app will guide you to curbside programs and nearby drop-off locations to maximize reuse and recycling options. Play the What Goes Where Sorting Game to learn how to separate materials in your carts! Get this informative and helpful app today.