Supplemental Law Enforcement

The District has been contracting California Highway Patrol (CHP) to augment vehicle code enforcement in Pebble Beach since October 2006. The service has been established in response to concerns expressed in the December 2005 Community Survey on Traffic and Safety Issues and continuing feedback to the Del Monte Forest Property Owners (DMFPO) Roads and Traffic Committee. Over fifty percent of the Community Survey respondents had identified speed and reckless driving as a problem.
Upon analysis of the survey responses, the DMFPO requested the District to augment existing law enforcement efforts. District Board approved providing supplemental services and financing them with the District’s available current revenue at no additional cost to the residents. As required by State Law, the District obtained approval from Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) of Monterey County to provide this service.
The District also has four radar speed display units that are rotated between 17 locations to provide vehicle speed feedback to drivers and to collect speed data for analysis. In selection of the sites, the District used the “top 10” traffic hot spots identified by the community survey respondents and subsequent input from residents, staff and Pebble Beach Company over the years.

Speed Limit
Residents, contractors, employees, students, and visitors should pay close attention to posted 25 mph speed zones in residential and school areas.