2023 District Achievements & 2024 District Goals

General Government
2023 Achievements:
- Continued succession planning effort as the District workforce ages. Hired one Maintenance Department position and one Accounting position. Recruiting for an engineering position. Promoted Finance Director to Chief Financial Officer.
- Received Association of California Water Agencies / Joint Powers Insurance Authority (ACWA/JPIA) Presidents Special Recognition Award in all three insurance categories: liability, property and workers’ compensation.
- The Safety Committee had three committee meetings and three safety inspections in the field, provided safety training program for new employees and held several in person and field training sessions. Safety Officer worked with consultant to update District Injury and Illness Prevention Plan.
- The management team of General Manager, Deputy General Manager, Chief Financial Officer and Maintenance Manager worked with a human resources consultant to update District Administrative Code and continue leadership training.
- Prepared construction documents for office remodel project and submitted to Monterey County for permit review.
- Adopted policy for Volunteer Personnel Worker’s Compensation Insurance.
2024 Goals:
- Complete hiring process for one new engineering position.
- Complete update of District Administrative Code and continue leadership training for Management Team.
- Review and negotiate updates to the Agreement for Use of Treatment Facilities between Carmel Area Wastewater District (CAWD) and Pebble Beach Community Services District (PBCSD).
- Complete construction of office remodel project.
- Review potential impacts of Sea Level Rise on District facilities.
- Continue enhancement of information systems to automate routine tasks, provide remote access, reduce cybersecurity risk and support decision-making process.
- Retain safety consultant to assist with updating specific safety programs.
- Retain a college intern during the summer to support Engineering, Fire, Administration and Maintenance departments.
Community Relations
2023 Achievements:
- Published two District newsletters and a budget summary mailed to all Del Monte Forest residents.
- Assisted the Del Monte Forest Conservancy (DMFC) in vegetation management projects and provided support services including Indian Village management/security and administrative/accounting support services.
- Director Laska served as the District representative of the Community Advisory Committee.
- Director Laska served as District representative on Board of Directors for ReGen Monterey (MRWMD).
- Director Froke served as District representative on Traffic and Roads Committee of Del Monte Forest Property Owners (DMFPO).
- Directors Verbanec and Froke represented District at Special Districts Association of Monterey County meetings.
- Directors Verbanec and McKee served on CAWD/PBCSD Wastewater Reclamation Project Management Committee.
- Directors McKee and Laska served on the District Investment Committee.
- Maintenance Technicians Kelvin Ellison and Jesse Huddleson and Associate Engineer Chris Simmons served as Directors of local Monterey Bay Chapter of the California Water Environment Association.
- General Manager served as a Director of the local Monterey Bay Chapter of American Public Works Association and as chair of the ReGen Monterey Technical Advisory Committee.
- Provided District Boardroom as a polling location for the Monterey County
Finance Systems
2023 Achievements:
- Received Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting for Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for fiscal year ending June 2022.
- Received an unmodified (“clean”) opinion from outside independent auditors on the District Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for fiscal year ending 2023.
- Served as lead agency in various Fire Department cost-share agreements with neighboring jurisdictions.
- Provided ongoing oversight support to CAWD/PBCSD Wastewater Reclamation Project and DMFC by reviewing accounting records.
2024 Goals:
- Prepare Annual Comprehensive Financial Report to qualify for GFOA Certificate of Achievement for fiscal year ending June 2024.
Fire Department
2023 Achievements:
- The annual Pebble Beach 2K/5K Zombie Run and Emergency Preparedness Fair was held this year with over 500 runners and 100 volunteers.
- The annual summer Public Safety Day Open House for Pebble Beach residents was held with an estimated attendance of 1,000.
- Expanded Drone Program by developing pilots and purchasing equipment.
- Executed vehicle use agreement with Monterey Regional Airport District for Mobile Command Vehicle and made improvements to allow use at special events and public safety incidents.
- Purchased new base radio and alerting system for Pebble Beach Fire Station 22.
- Purchased three vehicles for prevention and training departments.
- Completed construction of Carmel Hill Fire Station Repaving Project.
- Completed fire flow testing on 90 hydrants within Pebble Beach.
- Participated in Monterey County Emergency Medical Care Committee meetings to monitor ambulance contract and paramedic provider requirements.
- Extended Prescribing Physician Agreement to match the length of Paramedic Provider Agreement and the county ambulance contract.
- Numerous CPR, first aid, fire extinguisher and safe babysitter training classes were once again provided to the community.
- Maintained emergency preparedness list of residents in Pebble Beach that require assistance in an emergency.
- Provided fire protection inspection services and staffed paramedic golf carts in support of the 2023 US Women’s Open, AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am Golf Tournament and Pebble Beach Concours D’Elegance.
- Provided funding with Pebble Beach Company to prepare Site Specific Resource Management Plans for open space areas contained in the Pebble Beach Fire Defense Plan.
2024 Goals:
- Coordinate with Monterey County Emergency Medical Services providing feedback on the Request for Proposals to provide Ambulance Service in Pebble Beach. Coordinate with Monterey County Emergency Communications Department looking for system improvements to reduce response times.
- Continue Public Safety Day Open House and Zombie Run events in 2024.
- Support Sober Graduation programs at four local high schools serving Pebble Beach residents.
- Coordinate with California American Water to field flow test fire hydrants..
Maintenance Department
2023 Achievements:
- There were no Category I or II sanitary sewer overflows and 4 minor Category IV (less than 50 gallons) sanitary sewer overflows that originated from the Pebble Beach wastewater collection system in 2023.
- Completed 2023 Sewer Line Replacement Project and designed 2024 project.
- Upgraded instrumentation controls at P-4 (Highway 68) and P-3 (Seal Rock) pump stations so that all maintenance facilities are controlled by the same SCADA system software and server. ,/li>
- Removed underground fuel storage tank at Pump Station P-7 (18th Fairway of Pebble Beach Golf Links) and installed aboveground fuel storage tank in underground generator vault.
- Started construction of Pump Stations P-1 (Cypress Point) and P-2 (Fanshell Beach) Improvement Project.
- Coordinated exterior painting project for Administration, Fire and Maintenance buildings.
- Purchased a utility truck and a dump truck.
- Received approval to purchase a new line cleaning truck, new pipeline televising equipment and an off road utility task vehicle.
- Participated in project meetings for capital improvement projects at CAWD.
2024 Maintenance Goals:
- No Category I or II sanitary sewer overflows originate from the Pebble Beach wastewater collection system in 2024.
- Complete construction of 2024 Sewer Line Replacement Project and design of 2025 Sewer Line Replacement Project.
- Complete construction of Pump Stations P-1 (Cypress Point) and P-2 (Fanshell Beach) Improvement Project.
- Purchase 4 portable generators, a 10 inch portable pump and continue exterior painting of administration, maintenance and fire department buildings..
Reclamation Project
2023 Achievements:
- Coordinated meetings for Reclamation Management Committee (3), Technical Advisory Committee (3) and Oversight Committee (3).
- Completed installation of new well located near Bird Rock and incorporated two new storm water diversion projects on the 18th fairway of Pebble Beach Golf Links.
- Started installation of upgraded flow meters with remote monitoring capabilities.
- Completed design of cathodic protection project on unprotected section of recycled water distribution pipeline located in Carmel.
- Completed update of Forest Lake Reservoir Emergency Action Plan to incorporate comments from CalOES (California Office of Emergency Services) and DSOD.
- Submitted Annual Monitoring Report to California Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD) for 2022 and hosted annual DSOD field inspection visit.
2024 Reclamation Project Goals:
- Complete cathodic protection project on Carmel section of recycled water distribution pipeline.
- Design strainer replacement system at Forest Lake Reservoir.
Solid Waste
2023 Achievements:
- Held a successful Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event with approximately 400 cars from Pebble Beach residents participating.
- Participated in ReGen Monterey Technical Advisory Committee meetings that included regional coordination between agencies to address SB1383 requirements, performance review of solid waste collection services franchise haulers, field tours and updates for ReGen Monterey capital projects and regional solid waste issues.
- Coordinated zero waste programs for Pebble Beach special events.
2024 Solid Waste Goals:
- Continue participation in ReGen Monterey Technical Advisory Committee.
- Schedule another Household Hazardous Waste Collection Event in 2024.
Supplemental Law Enforcement
2023 Achievements:
- California Highway Patrol (CHP) contract renewed and program continues with community support. The enforcement schedule was increased to assist with law enforcement during special events.
- Prepared quarterly reports summarizing CHP citation data and information collected on District vehicle speed measuring units which show speeds are consistent.
- Received quarterly reports from Monterey County Sheriff’s office and Pebble Beach Security summarizing Pebble Beach crime statistics.
- Participated in quarterly DMFPO Roads and Traffic Committee where traffic data and crime statistics are shared with DMFPO members.
2024 Goals:
- Continue program operation and propose modifications if conditions change.
- Continue participation in DMFPO Roads and Traffic committee.
Undergrounding Overhead Utilities
2023 Achievements:
- Completed Phase III Undergrounding Overhead Utilities Project on Forest Lake Road, Drake Road, Ondulado Road, Alva Lane, Sombria Lane and Portola Road.
- Provided Program Review of the undergrounding project and started design of Phase IV undergrounding project.
2024 Goals:
- Complete design of Phase IV undergrounding project.